Friday Dec 08, 2023
GFBS Interview - with Carma Hanson & Jasmine Wangen of Safe Kids Grand Forks - 9-13-2023
Carma Hanson and Jasmine Wangen of Safe Kids Grand Forks is in the studio today to talk about upcoming events and the latest safety tips ahead for the approaching fall season. For more information about Safe Kids Grand Forks and their upcoming events, visit www.safekidsgf.com or Facebook @safekidsgf or call (701) 780-1489
Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com – For easy access to past GFBS Interviews visit https://gfbsinterviews.podbean.com/
#gfbs #gfbestsource.com #grandforksnd #interview #local #grandforks #grandforksbestsource #visitgreatergrandforks @grandforksnd @THECHAMBERGFEGF